Our bulk food store opened July 1, 2004, on the west end of a 12,000+ sq. foot metal pole building (originally a horse stable) owned by The Greenville Liquidators. Responsible for the original 800 sq. ft. build-out of the space was Simple Charm, an Amish-type craft and furniture store that was forced to closed due to extensive road construction. The Bulk-Priced Food Shoppe took over the space with its charming wooden porch, wooden shelving, and country-style decor. We were ready and willing to serve The Town of Greenville opening with just 240 items in stock in a small community with no grocery store.
Going from a stay-at-home mom of 8 years to a business owner was quite a change. Owner, Brenda Hungerford, embarked on this adventure with her 4-year old daughter, Hannah, who spent 4 days a week in the store keeping busy in the “kiddie corner,” taking naps in the office, or helping mom with customers in the store. It took some time, but the store was “catching on,” and our first expansion took place in 2006 with the addition of freezers, a second packaging room, and the addition of 400 sq. feet of retail space.
We enjoyed more growth adding hundreds of new items and hundreds of new customers. With some strategic advertising and positive word of mouth, we became a “destination stop” for many in addition to our local patrons. It was time to find a larger location!!! With “true divine intervention” the owner of the Greenville Liquidator announced he was ready to retire and sell us the building in 2007!
In fall of 2008 we took on the enormous project of remodeling the entire building! Only having to close for 3 days of business, we opened our new 4,100 sq. foot retail store in April of 2009. Once we were settled into our new store, we continued to add more items to our shelves, and now it was time for a website.
Today, we continue to serve both our physical and on-line customers offering over 4,000+ items and launching our new on-line site in May 2017.